I'm here praying and listening to Cece Winans songs from my childhood and God is reminding me of the things my parents did for us. The spiritual sacrifices and warfare they fought on our behalf and He is reminding me of answered battle prayers and I come across this. God is good! God is good! And He listens. He always listens.

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Confession: I was homeless. Long story. I'm almost 64. Walking with GOD 36 years. I cheat. I read "guy stuff." I read Jennifer's. Some women's. But...mainly men's writings and sermons. The LORD actually led me to buy the Men's addition of The Courageous Bible. It's the BEST I've ever read. The Devotions are challenging. I don't think I've ever replied to your newsletters Justin, so this is a first. But; what I want to ask GOd for that's BIG to me, is to HELP me TRUST HIM in the Mysteries: The Hard places, the hurtful places, the "i can't believe this is YOU places." I want to have, always have, the right Perch to view our FATHER from. That way I can SEE the Treasure even in the midst of the Pain. There IS a sweetness found right there... and i don't want to miss it.

Ty for this.

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