Hey Matt! Thank you for commenting, my friend. And I hear you. Just to be clear, I was/am not saying there isn't pain and sin in the world -- far from it. You can read above or here (https://www.raptnewsletter.com/p/new-tool-for-your-bag) for a sober view of the current state of our world. What I was saying is that each of us individually, you and me, as followers of Jesus, can try to act like he acted -- i.e., loving, peaceful, joyful even in the face of terrible circumstances.

Does that help to clarify what I meant?

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While it is true that the last number of years have been rough - with so much division fomented by the press, I am struggling to see where the joy is in the state of the Ukraine War, the ongoing antagonism from Hamas and behind them Iran, the millions pouring over our Southern and now Northern borders, including drug runners, gangs, terrorists and other criminals. Where is the joy in a president who has lost his faculties and left us less defended, where is the joy in the dismemberment of children under the vile influence of radical transgenderists. I could go on, but suffice it to say that no, there is not yet a "tectonic shift toward joy".

That is unless, as I suspect, this is a manufactured "vibe" of "joy" such as has been created by the Harris Waltz campaign. This is no Christian Joy. That deep joy is not rooted in political campaigns - it is not manufactured or thin or false as these politicians fabricate. It is real, unshakable and started long before now.

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